The Viking Storyweaver
Birger Haugdal

Way back in 2014 at the Bergen Tango Marathon on a Friday night I first heard Birger, I was tired after the long route from Ireland to Bergen but the way he played made me as a dancer dance till the last tanda. It was the first time I heard him and many times since then and each he has always guided the room with a masterful hand mixing emotion and beat to keep everyone wondering where the story is going right to the end, his energy is like waves, it keeps you flowing all night.

He is a storyteller and a total tango nerd. For Olga also there is more and it is in Birger’s ability to play music that is never boring, as she says ‘even if you are resting for a tanda, it is a delight to listen to the choices he fills the room with’.

When Olga and I discussed names, Birger was one of the first names we spoke simultaneously. We are delighted to have him for Friday night.

Posted by Rita. Updated 15 January 2022.

Garúa Milonguero Craicfest 2020

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